Pre-Course Information

There is important pre-course information to know before you join us. This is where you will find all the information you need to start your course. Please take the time to review this in detail.

PCI 1. What is the address?

One Stop Training has training facilities at Shailer Park (Logan) and the Port of Brisbane (Brisbane), providing convenient options for your High-Risk Licence Training. Visit our locations page for addresses, map links, and more details.

PCI 2. What time will my course start?

Our training courses commence at 7:30am and usually finish around 3:30pm. We open earlier and recommend arriving at least 15 minutes before the start time to settle in.

PCI 3. What should I wear?

PPE requirements vary depending on the course. Some courses require high-visibility workwear and steel-toe-capped safety boots. Please refer to the pre-course information email you receive upon booking for specific PPE details.

For most courses, you will be training in a commercial environment. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing without loose items, such as scarves, that could get caught on equipment.

Some activities may take place outdoors, so bringing a hat and sunscreen is advised—better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them.

Enclosed footwear, such as sneakers, must be worn at all times. Thongs and sandals are not permitted, and you will not be able to participate in the course without appropriate footwear. Steel-cap boots are strongly recommended where required.

PCI 4. What do I need to bring?

All training and assessment tools, equipment and material is provided for your course. Pens, workbooks, learner guides are all provided. You only need to bring what you personally need for the day, such as food and drink. Fridges are provided if you would like to bring your lunch. All facilities have cafe’s within 2 minutes drive.

PCI 5. What identification is required?

Worksafe Queensland is the industry regulator for all High Risk Work Licence (HRWL) qualifications such as Forklift, Order Picking Forklift. They require specific identification requirements to sit an assessment. They do not allow us any scope for variation from these requirements. Select the links below relevant to your course.

  • ID requirements for a Licence Course, such as Forklift, Order Picking Forklift here
  • Identification requirements for a White Card Course here

If you cannot provide the required identification we are not permitted to conduct the assessment. We recommend either not enrolling, or cancelling your course until you have compiled the appropriate identification. Please refer to item PC10 for timeframes for cancellation.

If you wish to have your identification requirements reviewed, Worksafe Queensland Licencing can be contacted on 1300 362 128.

One Stop Group will not be held liable for any matter relating to a student not being able to provide the required identification.

PCI 6. How can I get there?

We recommend you check your transport requirements well in advance – don’t wait for the day.  You can check public transport options on the Translink website. If driving, we recommend checking Google Maps or similar to calculate the travel time, familiarise yourself with the location, and factor in any peak-travel delays.

PCI 7. Is there parking?

Unmetered on-street parking is available at all sites.  Please abide by any signage that may be on parking spots.

PCI 8. How can I get in touch?

Freecall: 1300 556 387 – Office hours are 8:00am to 4:30 Monday to Friday. If you call outside these hours, please leave a message or email

PCI 9. Your learner guide

A copy of the Learner Guide can be forwarded upon request before your course begins, and a hard copy will be provided on the first day of training. To request a copy, please call 1300 556 387.

This guide allows you to review the material beforehand and helps identify the language and literacy level required for the course. It is your responsibility to disclose any Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) requirements prior to attending. If you are unable to access the Learner Guide on your device, please contact us to arrange an alternative.

PCI 10. What if I need to change the date?

No problem. Should you wish to postpone your course, you are required to provide two business days’ notice prior to the start date/time, and we will happily make the changes you require at no cost.

Example 1: Your course starts on a Monday at 7:30am and you need to reschedule.
You need to advise us before Thursday 7:30am to reschedule at no cost.

Example 2: Your course starts on Wednesday at 7:30am and you need to reschedule.
You need to advise us before Monday 7:30am to reschedule at no cost.

PCI 11. What if I don't provide enough notice?

Cancellations with less than two full business days notice are not refundable. Fees are not transferable to another program. If you would like to have your circumstances reviewed, please complete our fee review form.

PCI 12. What if I don't make it to the course?

Much like tickets on a plane, if you don’t make it on time, your seat is forfeited. Once the course has started, we are not able to reallocate your place, and the course begins regardless. Failure to attend will result in forfeiture of your place in the program and any course fees. If you would like to have your circumstances reviewed, please complete our fee review form.

PCI 13. What if I am sick and do not come?

Whilst One Stop Training is sympathetic to circumstances, this is a failure to attend the course and fees are not refundable or transferable to another program unless a valid doctors certificate is presented. If you would like to have your circumstances reviewed, please complete our fee review form.

PCI 14. What if I am running late?

Call during business hours on 1300 556 387. Courses are held in groups and once started cannot be restarted without inconveniencing the rest of the group. Late arrival may mean catch-up activities have to be completed in your own time. If you are excessively late it may not be possible to integrate you into the training session and has to be treated as failure to attend.

PCI 15. What if I am late on assessment day?

Please plan to be early for your assessment – if you are running more than 15 minutes late for your assessment you will not be permitted to start.

This is not our decision, and we are legally not permitted to allow anyone to enter the assessment room once the test has begun.

This is a Worksafe Qld Conditions of Assessment rule. If you wish to discuss this assessment condition, please contact Worksafe Qld on 1300 362 128 or visit their website and lodge an inquiry.

Late arrival means you will need to reschedule your assessment and incur reassessment fees.

The Queensland Government does not afford One Stop Training any flexibility in this rule, regardless of the circumstances.

PCI 16. What if I do not pass my HRW licence?

You can be re-assessed. It’s not all over. Each person is permitted to re-sit an examination.

Your assessor will notify you and our Student Support Services on the assessment outcome, and make a recommendation for an assessment pathway that will provide the greatest opportunity for success.

There are additional fees depending on the course you undertake and these are outlined below.

We can never guarantee a pass however, we want you to pass as much as you do and will provide the resources required to do so wherever possible to be successful on your first attempt.

Reassessment Fees

  • Qualifications: If a student is found Not Yet Competent (NYC), reassessment is free of charge and will be included in the next scheduled assessment round.
  • Licensing Units of Competency:
    • Should a student be deemed NYC after the first assessment, a reassessment fee of $195.00 will apply for subsequent attempts for the following courses.
      • Licence to operate a Forklift Truck (LF)
      • Licence to operate an Order picking Forklift Truck (LO)
      • Licence to operate a Boom-type elevating work platform (WP)
  • A reassessment fee of $500.00 applies for students undertaking Licence to Operate a Reach Stacker (RS)
  • For verbal 1:1 reassessments, a fee of $550 applies.
  • Non-Licensing Units of Competency: Reassessments are free of charge and included in the next scheduled assessment round.

PCI 17. What if I need more training?

If your assessor has indicated you may require additional training before you undertake the assessment again, you will need to contact Student Support Services. Requirements will vary on a case-by-case basis, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. We will always work toward a practical solution.

Additional theory training and additional practical training are managed in different ways.

An assessor may recommend that you sit a practical assessment to determine your ability to complete the formal assessment procedure. A person’s knowledge demonstrated during training may differ from their ability to perform during an assessment.

Please note, we cannot put you forward for a practical assessment without first passing the theory component.

If you require additional training or practical time on the equipment, there will be additional charges. Fees for extra training start at $195.00. Your assessor will notify you and Student Support Services of the recommended options for your pathway and the reasons behind those recommendations. Please allow two business days for the assessor’s report to be compiled and submitted.

Student Support Services cannot change the assessor’s recommendation.

PCI 18. Is it a guaranteed pass?

We cannot guarantee that you will pass your assessment. It is illegal for a training provider or assessor to offer a guaranteed pass. However, we will provide you with all the necessary support to best prepare you for your assessment. You will still be responsible for studying your training material thoroughly. A training provider is not permitted to guarantee a pass. It is against the law. For additional information on the licence assessment, go here.

You can also call and speak to us on 1300556387 if you need, email us. Reviewing this information in advance, for example, may help you with transport and parking arrangements, site requirements and other matters that will help you on the day. This pre-course information is to be read in conjunction with the Student Handbook.